L-INK 2024/25
Are you 16-21 years old? Are you interested in art, working with artists, curators, collections? Do you enjoy meeting new people and collaborating? Then, L-INK are looking for YOU!
About L-INK

L-INK are a group of young people who work with the Laing Art Gallery to collaborate, co-curate, produce events, work with artists and create artworks. In the past, L-INK have worked on facilitated projects with gallery staff, and have had the opportunity to meet artists, curators and different gallery teams; they have explored collaborative practice, exhibited their own artworks and delivered creative interpretations of works on display.
For example, during 2023-24, L-INK explored the idea of their own identity as individuals and as a group, taking inspiration from three separate exhibitions at the Laing and Hatton Galleries.
They worked with artist Zara Worth to investigate their sense of their own image through self-portraiture, undertook an Astro-Residency with Allenheads Contemporary Arts in conjunction with the Hatton’s ARTIST ROOMS: Vija Celmins exhibition, positioning themselves within the context of the Earth and the within the Universe, and finally worked with photographer Paul Dolan, exploring collective memory and heritage within the North East and re-training AI algorithms to recognise abstract concepts. The group exhibited a collaborative installation in the Long Gallery at Newcastle University and finished their project with a trip to the beach!
The next L-INK project will run from October 2024 - July 2025+

About the L-INK 2024/25 project
L-INK 2024/25 will offer opportunities to work with practising artists to develop art skills and to work with gallery teams to go behind-the-scenes at the Hatton & Laing Art Galleries, research art collections, explore exhibitions and engage in lively discussions and debate.
The group will work with the galleries’ Art Team, contemporary artists and mentors to examine the roles and relationships of artist, educator and curator and ask questions about the ways in which we value artwork and creative practice. The group will consider who makes decisions about the artwork we see in our cultural spaces and how we make art accessible to everyone.
Through creative activities, collaborative making, discussion and action, L-INK are invited to develop both individual and collaborative arts practices, share practical skills & knowledge and curate an exhibition of their own artwork in Spring 2025.
This opportunity is open to Young People (16 – 21) who already make their own artwork and to those whose arts practise is still in the future.
Additional opportunities
Where possible and appropriate, we endeavour to explore exhibitions at other galleries through research trips to other venues both in and outside the local area.
Dates 2024 - 25*
Artist-led taster Session: Saturday 28 September 2023
Come along to find out more about the project, meet new people and develop
practical creative skills with a professional artist.
Application deadline for L-INK 2024/25 project: Monday 7 October 2024
L-INK 2024-25 Session Dates*:
- Saturday 19 October 2024 - Project Launch
- Saturday 16 November 2024
- Saturday 7 December 2024
- Saturday 11 January 2025
- Saturday 15 February 2025
- Saturday 8 March 2025 April – July 2025 dates TBC *dates are subject to change to accommodate group member schedules as much as possible.
- L-INK sessions usually run from 10.30am – 4pm with a break for lunch. Snacks are provided.
- Participants should bring their own lunch.
- Where necessary, some sessions may be shorter and could take place via video call. Advance notice will be given.
To register for the Taster session on 28 September
Download the registration form here. Please send your completed registration form to: learning@laingartgallery.org.uk
To apply for L-INK 2024/25
To apply for a place on this project please submit your completed application form to learning@laingartgallery.org.uk
Download the application form here.
Deadline for applications: Monday 7 October 2024 If you have any questions or queries, please email learning@laingartgallery.org.uk

About the Hatton Gallery
Newcastle University's Hatton Gallery has been at the heart of cultural life in the North East since the early 20th century. Founded in 1925 and named in honour of Professor Richard George Hatton, professor of what was then the King Edward VII School of Art, Armstrong College, Durham University. He subsequently became Head of the Department of Fine Art at Newcastle University. The Hatton’s diverse collection includes works from the 14th – 20th centuries. The gallery also has extensive archive material including paintings, sculpture, prints, drawings and textiles, and material connected to the history of the Gallery, such as exhibition posters designed and printed in the art school. The Hatton stages a programme of modern and contemporary art exhibitions, and events including artist and curator talks and family activities. We work closely with students from Newcastle University and exhibit their work on an annual basis.
About the Laing Art Gallery
The Laing Art Gallery was founded in 1901, by Alexander Laing, a Newcastle businessman who had made his money from his wine and spirit shop and beer bottling business. Alexander Laing didn’t leave any paintings or other art to the Gallery. He said that he was confident “…that by the liberality of the inhabitants [of Newcastle] it would soon be supplied with pictures and statuary for the encouragement and development of British Art”. The gallery today is home to an internationally important collection of art, focusing on British oil paintings, watercolours, ceramics, silver and glassware.
Hodgson Sayers sponsor our young people's programme.