Newcastle University
The Hatton Gallery can be found in Newcastle University's Fine Art building. Both the BA and the Master of Fine Art University Degree shows are exhibited in the Gallery.
Newcastle continues to be one of the best cities in the UK in which to study and make contemporary visual art. Its diverse and lively arts scene goes hand in hand with the University’s long and distinguished history in the practice of Fine Art.
The first School of Art at Newcastle University was established in 1838 and it has consistently maintained an excellent reputation as one of the UK leading centres for art education. Many distinguished artists have been associated with Newcastle, either as students or as teachers.
The School of Arts and Cultures is home to a great variety of practice and research: Fine Art, Music, Media and Cultural Studies, Digital Media, and Museum, Gallery and Heritage studies, providing exciting possibilities for interdisciplinary research. For more information click here.
The School of Arts and Cultures has a vibrant intellectual culture which provides the basis for cutting-edge research and scholarship in and across the fields of:
The School is home to a great variety of research types:
- practice as research, e.g. in music composition and performance and in fine art;
- historical, critical and theoretical studies, e.g. in musicology, art history and museology;
- research into architecture, design and technology in museum and gallery studies;
- sociological and psychological research in cultural and heritage studies;
- research either focusing on, and/or utilising, digital media