Out of Place
A re-representation of five new contemporary artworks for heritage sites in North East England.

Until 10 August 2019 (historic exhibition)
In the summer of 2018 the research project Mapping Contemporary Art in the Heritage Experience commissioned five new contemporary artworks for heritage sites in North East England. Out of Place re-presents these artworks within the context of the Hatton Gallery, prompting a questioning of how art changes when it is relocated from its original site. Out of Place features commissioned sound-works, installation, painting and sculpture by Susan Philipsz, Matt Stokes, Fiona Curran, Andrew Burton, Marcus Coates and Mark Fairnington. In the Hatton, these works are exhibited in relation to Kurt Schwitters’ Merz Barn, a key example of a site-specific artwork that is relocated from its original context.
Mapping Contemporary Art in the Heritage Experience was led by Newcastle and Leeds Universities and delivered in partnership with the National Trust, English Heritage and the Churches Conservation Trust.