Origins & Endings
With work by Mark Carroll and Marianne Wilde
Until 7 March 2020 (historic exhibition)
This exhibition brings together the work of an artist and a musician who have collaborated with PEALS academics and scientists.
The Policy, Ethics & Life Sciences Research Centre (PEALS) at Newcastle University aims to research, inform and improve practice, policy and public engagement in the life sciences through the empirical investigation and critical analysis of socio-ethical aspects of those sciences.
The exhibition will highlight partnerships that have culminated in creative works in response to the academic research carried out by PEALS, and ranges across the broad themes of being human, and how we engage both culturally and societally with the medical and scientific research that affects us all from the beginnings to the ending of life.
The works align with the current growing interest in the Medical Humanities, and the relationship between bioethics and arts practice as a medium for research and engagement. The exhibition features works by musician Mark Carroll and artist Marianne Wilde.
The Policy Ethics and Life Sciences Research Centre (PEALS) was founded at the turn of the 21st century, at a time when rapid developments in human genetics research and the increasing availability of fertility treatment gave rise to studies involving human embryos. These advances pushed the boundaries of the life sciences, promising great benefits but also bringing new challenges. PEALS’ original purpose was to promote “research and debate on the social and ethical aspects of the life sciences”, through academic enquiry, public outreach and policy engagement. This combination of activities continues to be a distinctive feature of PEALS.